Grafenwoehr CRC Retreat

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Learn more about the CRC Retreat here.


The CRC retreat (short for “Covenantal Relationships in Christ”) is open to all Cadence ministries and their people across Europe. The retreat will include five sessions taught by different speakers and will focus on how our relationship with Christ shapes our other relationships in life. These relationships include marriage, children, dating, unbelievers, and the local church. In a world that consistently projects secular worldviews upon us, we need to be reminded of our responsibilities as people who have entered into a covenantal relationship with God. Because we are in Christ, we should bear fruit that demonstrates that truth to the world around us.

Any funds donated will be used to help: 1) offset the cost of those coming from the US who will be speaking or leading worship; 2) provide sponsorships for younger families who are not able to afford it; 3) cover the costs of food and other provisions.