Life is all about relationships—first with God, then with one another. That’s what Matt and Tina want to be about! The Vilseck House is a Christ-centered home-away-from-home for singles and young couples of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment and the entire Rose Barracks military community and seeks to partner with the Post Chapel and chaplains. Join Matt and Tina for Friday night dinners and discussions, Saturday activities, weekend trips and retreats, discipleship, hikes, Post chapel support, sight-seeing, movies, game nights, etc.
Although Matt was raised in a Christian family, he didn’t understand the good news until after high school when someone explained to him the bad news—that he was a sinner and deserved separation from God (Rom 3:23; 6:23). Through the Navigator’s ministry at Colorado State University, Matt began to realize the priority God deserves in his life. He sees the Christian life as a response of love and thankfulness to God for what Christ has done for him.
Tina grew up in an Army family. She was a high-school student in Mannheim, Germany when she trusted Christ through a chapel youth group led by Cadence missionaries.
Matt & Tina met in the Navigators campus ministry at Colorado State University, married in 1991, and have five kids: Madeline, Jesse, Toby, Bridget, and Dustin. They love having people in their home. They directed the Bamberg Hospitality House from 1998-2013 and began ministry in Vilseck in 2014. Matt is also a retired Army Chaplain.
Matt & Tina Huisjen
Cadence ID: 10530The Vilseck House
Adult Ministry
U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria (Rose Barracks - Vilseck)

Home: 011 49 (0) 9662.7020020
Matt Mobile: 011 49 (0) 175.1182896
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