The Rozmiareks were appointed as Cadence missionaries in 2008 after leaving their careers as defense contractors, where they worked in the accounting and finance departments. Since then, Lou and Cathy have served at the Kaiserslautern Hospitality House in Germany, The Lighthouse in Yokosuka, Japan, The Hansen Christian Center in Okinawa, Japan, and finally, The Well Hospitality House in Arizona.
In late 2020, they moved to a position within the Field Ministries Department at the Cadence Headquarters based in Denver, Colorado. They work with new missionaries, training and mentoring them as they prepare to go to the field to serve the military throughout the United States and the world.
Cathy committed her life to Christ at age 11 after she began attending a church near her home in Crown Point, Indiana. At this young age, she realized that she was a sinner in need of a Savior. Her father was serving his second tour in Vietnam at the time, and her prayer for his safe return was answered. Cathy’s primary spiritual gifts are hospitality and administration.
Lou came to a saving knowledge of Christ at a much later date. He was raised in a practicing Catholic family but left the church as a teenager and was a skeptical agnostic until Cathy led him to the Lord in the fall of 1994. Cathy had been volunteering at an apologetics organization and challenged him to evaluate his worldview and the truth claims of Christianity carefully. After months of reading and soul searching, he finally surrendered his life to Christ. Lou’s primary spiritual gifts are teaching and administration.
Cathy was an Air Force kid, and after many moves, her father’s final duty station was in Aurora, Colorado, where the family settled in 1981. While Colorado has been home for most of Cathy’s adult life, she also spent six years living in Southern California, in addition to overseas assignments with Cadence. Cathy is the oldest of four children.
Lou is the second of five children and is from Englewood, Colorado. He lived in Galesburg, Illinois, for 12 years and returned to Colorado for high school. He has lived there ever since, except for a similar stint in Southern California, where he met and fell in love with Cathy, as well as time spent overseas with Cadence.
Together, they have an adult daughter, Katie, who married Forrest Bowlick in the summer of 2014. The Bowlicks live in South Hadley, Massachusetts, where Forrest is a geography professor at the University of Massachusetts, and Katie teaches elementary school.
Lou & Cathy Rozmiarek
Cadence ID: 10729Lou: Director of CAFS and Continuing Education Coordinator; Cathy: Director of Ministry of Partnership Development

Lou: 720.670.8399
Cathy: 720.693.4234
22688 E. Mineral Place
Aurora, CO 80016
United States
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