Paul & Sandra

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As Cadence missionaries for more than 30 years, Paul and Sandra have served in a variety of ministries in Europe and Asia. They have worked at the Headquarters office, with Cadence Student Ministries in England and Germany, and in Thailand with Foreign Military Ministries. Paul is V.P. for Affiliate and Foreign Military Ministries and Sandra works in Communications.


Paul was led to the Lord through the ministry of a Navy Chaplain and was then discipled in a Cadence hospitality house. Sandra was raised in a Christian family and had a desire to be involved in ministry from a young age. They both desire to love Jesus and others, not only in formal ministry, but also in their everyday lives.


Paul and Sandra have three grown children: Tyler, Madelyn, and Jared. They spent most of their childhood and teenage years in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and consider it a privilege to have grown up overseas.

Paul & Sandra Bradley
Cadence ID: 10212
Paul: VP for Affiliate and Foreign Military Ministries and Europe Field Leader; Sandra: Executive Project Assistant and Europe Field Leader