Mark & Carol

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Mark and Carol’s first ministry was at the Bamberg Hospitality House in 1983. Since then, they have directed other Cadence ministries in Germany, Panama, and the United States. They served as Regional Directors for ministries in the U.S. and later worked with chapel staff on Ellsworth AFB, working in the coffee house ministry on base. They are now Cadence Ambassadors, ministering as needed but in a part-time role. They are leading a Bible Study in their home geared toward Air Force officers at Ellsworth. They also make themselves available to fill in temporarily at Cadence Hospitality Houses in the U.S.


Mark came to faith in Christ as a child but truly began to understand his security in Christ somewhere around the age of 12. He grew up in the church, sharing his faith with friends at school, in Bible Studies, and through evangelistic events.

Carol also came to faith in Christ as a child. She dedicated her life to Him in college and has been determined to serve the Lord ever since.

Even before ministering with Cadence, Mark and Carol opened their home to people in their community. They enjoy seeing God work in the lives of people through the ministry of hospitality.


Mark and Carol have three children.

Andrea was raised in two hospitality house ministries. She and her husband David have served with Cadence in Okinawa and at HQ for over 13 years. They have four children: Kavan, Keeley, Emiko, and Kairi.

Brian grew up as a young boy in a hospitality house. He now serves in the Army and is stationed at Fort Liberty in North Carolina. He is married to Ashley, and they have three children: Elliott, Naomi, and Thatcher.

Carolyn grew up mostly remembering her dad serving as a Cadence Regional Director. She and Brian were also involved in Mark and Carol’s pastoral ministry in Midland, Texas. Carolyn is now married and lives with her husband Brant Fuller and son Lawrence in Austin, Texas.

Mark & Carol Kohl
Cadence ID: 10086
Ellsworth Air Force Base
Latest Newsletter
Mark: 253.777.8829
Carol: 253.777.8239
14828 Fox Trail
Box Elder, SD 57719
United States

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