Steven & Rachel

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The Harvells have been serving with Cadence International since 2010 in various roles. During their last assignment from 2020-2023, they worked with young Airmen (approximately 18-24 years old) at Travis Air Force Base in California. They now serve in Okinawa, Japan, where they support the Kadena Air Force Base chapel, help at the Wired Bean Airmen Ministry Center, and host young Airmen in their home for the purpose of sharing the gospel and their lives.


At four, Steven knew his whole family was going to go to heaven, and since he was not a Christian, he wouldn’t go with them. Steven asked God to forgive his sins as his father led him in prayer. He became a follower of Jesus and was later baptized. While living in Japan as a youth, Steven heard about an island with no Christians or missionaries to reach the people. He knew he wanted to grow up and tell people about Jesus, the incarnation of the loving God who saves.

Rachel was raised in a Christian home and knew about Jesus. She was baptized at age nine but didn’t truly start walking with Christ until her early 20s. During that time, she hit some low points in her life and came to truly understand God’s grace and what He did on the cross. From then on, she hungered for His Word and pursued discipleship. Rachel knew she wanted to give back to Jesus and serve Him however and wherever He called her. When Steven and Rachel met, they discovered they had the same love for the military community and yearned to see them thrive in Christ.


Steven is a pastor’s kid and has one sister. While growing up as a military dependent, he moved 17 times. Rachel is also a pastor’s kid, born and raised in Hawaii. Rachel is the youngest of seven children. The Harvells have three children: Kik (2014), Kyro (2016), and Abbi (2018). Kik gave his life to Christ in 2017, Kyro in 2020, and Abbi in 2023. They all understand that they are also called to share the gospel and their lives with people. Rachel homeschools her children and also has a heart to disciple and love women in the Air Force.

Steven & Rachel Harvell
Cadence ID: 10771
Wired Bean Airmen Ministry Center
Adult Ministry
Kadena Air Base