Daniel & Charlotte

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Daniel and Charlotte Busenbark are passionate about the lives and souls of military members and their families. As a military family themselves, they understand the challenges that military members and their families face in various seasons of their careers. The Busenbarks are currently engaged in ministry partnership development, raising support to enable them to launch a hospitality house ministry. They desire to create a safe space for military members and their families to hear and respond to the Gospel, to grow in their relationship with Christ, and to heal past wounds in order to be healthier disciples for Christ.


Daniel began his personal relationship with Jesus as a teenager, shortly after being invited to church by Charlotte who was his high school sweetheart. At church, Daniel learned that Jesus would not only save his soul, but that he would enter into a personal relationship that would provide purpose and a family. This was a longing in Daniel’s soul and Jesus fulfilled it all. In 2005, Daniel felt a call to ministry and began preparing and serving faithfully as he waited for God to reveal the next steps. Charlotte grew up hearing about Jesus in church. At age nine, in youth camp, all the knowledge about Jesus became a question – what will YOU do with Jesus? She went forward and prayed to receive Jesus as her savior. At age ten she felt a deep rooted burden for missions and surrendered to be a missionary. Upon Daniel’s call to ministry, Charlotte also began preparing and serving faithfully as she and Daniel waited for God to reveal the next step.


God has abundantly blessed Daniel and Charlotte with 17 years of marriage and eight beautiful children. Charlotte has the privilege of homeschooling their children and Daniel leads them in aviation education. Daniel has a passion for preaching, teaching, and military history. Charlotte has a passion for women’s ministry, music ministry, and song writing. Daniel and Charlotte were blessed to be stationed in Germany twice and adopted from Ukraine, so they have developed quite a love for all things international and hope to one day serve Christ overseas once their children are grown and established.

Daniel & Charlotte Busenbark
Cadence ID: 10892
The Moore House
Adult Ministry
Fort Moore
Daniel: 334.498.5304
Charlotte: 334.498.5305
8 Rustling Ridge Trail
Fort Mitchell, AL 36856
United States

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