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David began ministering to the military in 1972. He has served with Cadence since 1985. Following 16 years on the Asia field, David served on the Executive Leadership Team for 13 years at Cadence HQ. Following his service there, God surprised David with a call to mentor Cadets at Texas A&M University in the fall of 2014. It is with great joy that David meets weekly with numerous Cadets for personal mentoring and organic discipleship. Several small group Bible studies meet weekly on the Quad for the Cadets.


David was raised in a home where both parents were committed Christ-followers. When he was six years old, God grabbed David’s heart for Himself. While in fifth grade, God began to direct David to serve in missions. He was discipled in a Navigator ministry while a student at UCLA. During those same years, God gave David a heart for military ministry.

David Cordell
Cadence ID: 10147
Aggie Corps Ministry
Cadet Ministry
Texas A&M
Mobile: 303.325.6937
1475 Buena Vista
College Station, TX 77845
United States

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