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Sarah is the Children’s Director for Camp Kinser chapel in Okinawa, Japan. She focuses on discipling and equipping children and their families on a Marine Corp Base. They sing, act, and run around as they learn about Christ’s love for them. Sarah focuses on developmentally appropriate ways to learn and apply the Truth to their lives. There is also a LOT of coffee involved as they build community with the families. Sarah has been serving with Cadence in Okinawa since August 2015 and she loves it there!


Sarah came to Christ at an early age and is a product of children’s ministry. Her parents are believers, so God was always a part of her life. She was always the child that raised her hand to accept Christ every time the invitation was given! During a middle school retreat, she rededicated her life to Christ and started making the relationship more personal. She was baptized her senior year on Easter, along with her sister. Her journey with Christ as been one of many twists and turns, but she is grateful for His grace and steadfastness through it all.


Sarah is a Florida native (Go Gators!) and feels at home near the beach. She does NOT like the cold weather as she is always in flip flops. She loves having her parents to look at as an example of love and commitment. She has an older sister who has Down syndrome and a younger brother, so she’s a middle child that has older sibling tendencies. She is blessed to have her sister and the love and compassion that she has taught her over the years. Sarah wishes everyone see the way she sees the world and have the great faith that she has in Christ.

Sarah Rooney
Cadence ID: 10802
Camp Kinser - Children's Ministry
Children's Ministry
Camp Kinser
Latest Newsletter
Phone: 090.9100.3466
Ginoza, Okinawa Prefecture 904-1304


PSC 557 Box 1083
FPO AP 96379

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