Larry & BB Blakely
Cadence ID: 10732Hampton Roads Hospitality House
Adult Ministry
Joint Base Langley-Eustis

Larry: 757.528.0455
BB: 757.528.0344
339 LaSalle Ave
Hampton, VA 23661-1630
United States
Stay Connected with Larry & BB
Larry and BB’s passion is to lead others to follow Jesus Christ. The Blakelys operate a hospitality house that provides a relaxed atmosphere where people feel loved and served. Located about ten minutes from Joint Base Langley/Eustis, they welcome military personnel and their families serving in all branches of the military. Their home and family provide the context for meaningful relationships to grow. They offer home-cooked meals, lots of laughter, Bible studies, small groups, and service opportunities. As well, multiple trips and tours are planned throughout the year for those interested.
The Blakelys believe that Jesus came to die and rise again to save us from the penalty of sin. Once a person has trusted in Jesus for salvation, it’s important to learn what it means to be a disciple. Larry and BB came to faith in Jesus Christ in their teenage years. After joining the military, they served in various military chapels over the years through the ministries of singing and teaching.
Larry and BB met while on active duty at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, in 1974. In 1976, they were married by Tom Hash, one of the founders of OCSC (which later became Cadence International), at the Travis Hospitality House in Fairfield, California. Tom Hash played a big part in their spiritual growth by counseling them and teaching them spiritual truths. BB served in the military for four-and-a-half years, and Larry retired after 24 years at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia. The Lord blessed them with four children who served in the Coast Guard, Army, and Navy. They also have four grandchildren.