Hill City Hospitality House

Serving Liberty University

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105 Yorkshire Circle
Lynchburg, VA 24502
United States

Rick & Paula Scott

In 2018, after a recruiting visit to Liberty University, the Director of Mobilization for Cadence began praying for an opportunity to establish an off-campus ministry for military-connected students, specifically a hospitality-style ministry home that would open its doors for fellowship, mentoring, Bible studies, and an opportunity to build relationships with other veterans. Two years later, the Lord opened Rick and Paula’s eyes to the number of military veterans, dependents, and active-duty service members in Lynchburg, and they called Cadence asking if anyone had ever considered opening a ministry there.

Lynchburg is home to a surprising number of military veterans who are furthering their education, along with college students who grew up in the military. Many of these military dependents’ parents are stationed overseas. Other students are future active-duty military. The Hill City Hospitality House is a place for the local military community to connect with one another, serve the larger community, and grow in our understanding of Scripture and the practical application of the Gospel to our lives.

Come over for a meal, stay for a conversation. Help plan and organize activities that will be beneficial to others in the community.