Victory Ranch Retreat Center
Serving Ft. Jackson, Shaw AFB, and all surrounding bases in the midlands SC area

1047 Richard SimonsEastover, SC 29044
United States
Trevor and Jennifer Claypool
Eric & Janet Thimell
Angel & Margaret Pacheco
Elizabeth Elder
Victory Ranch Office: 803.875.1872
Trevor Claypool: 225.802.7154
Jennifer Claypool: 225.803.8169
Trevor Claypool: 225.802.7154
Jennifer Claypool: 225.803.8169
Victory Ranch is a 17-acre retreat facility and ministry located between Fort Jackson and Shaw Air Force Base. It has been serving all surrounding military bases in the greater South Carolina midlands area since 1983.
We Provide
- Evangelistic and Spiritual Fitness Retreats for the military community.
- Relaxing offsite training in Spiritual Resiliency and other topics for chaplains, chaplain candidates and Religious Affairs Specialists attending the Chaplain Schools.
- Special Event venue for military trainees and instructors.
- Retreat venue for PMOC, PWOC, military chapel groups, and other military ministries and hospitality houses.
- Special events for small like-minded church groups.
We Have
- Bunk space for overnight guests.
- Large kitchen facility
- Multiple facilities and rooms that can be tailored to fit various functions.
- A three-acre lake equipped for fishing, boating, and swimming.
- Large pole barn with basketball, pickleball, and other recreational activities.
- Forest hiking trail and prayer walk
We Need
Volunteers who have various skills in remodeling, grounds maintenance, carpentry, masonry, plumbing, and electricity, as well as those who have “handyman” skills. The projects are always changing.
The love of Christ compels us to share the gospel and our lives with the men and women of our armed forces so that the name of Christ will be lifted up in the nations.