
Welcome to Selah! No matter how you enter this time, no matter the state of your heart and soul, the Lord is eager to be with you. His pursuit of His people across the pages of Scripture is not merely a theme, it is the theme and the heart of the gospel. He has gone to the ends of the earth—literally!—to bring His people back to Himself, for our good and His glory. Surely, we can trust Him to meet us here, in these four days.

Four Reflections have been designed to help us pause and listen to Jesus in new ways. They will engage our heart, mind, soul, and body (see Matthew 22:37) if we will let them. The goal is not to gain knowledge and information, although there is a time and place for that. This time is about simply being with Jesus.

Take your time as you work through the Reflections. Approach them with an open heart and open mind—and with curiosity! The gospels give us the picture of Jesus as one who asks questions—as many as 300 questions throughout. As you think through the questions posed in these Reflections, be curious about what He might be asking you and what He may want to do in your heart.

The first two Reflections give us time to breathe and receive, while the second two provide opportunities for us to participate and respond. Interact with these online or print them out. Although there are places in the Reflections which give you room to write your thoughts, some of you may want to consider also using a journal or notebook for more space.

If you are limiting your electronic devices during these days, you are still encouraged to bring them out as you go through the Reflections. You will be offered a wide variety of ways to connect with the Lord, such as music, videos, audio, art, etc. These have great potential to add richness and depth to your times with the Lord and give you new ways to think about Scripture and the themes which will be explored. Perhaps you can minimize potential digital distractions by shutting down your email, closing all tabs on the Internet, or temporarily switching the settings on your phone to block notifications on apps.

Some of us will be quite comfortable with the format of the Reflections. For others, the format may be new or uncomfortable. Would you take time to ask the Holy Spirit to guide you? Let’s expect Jesus to speak to us as we engage with the content of the Reflections. He may also ask us to do something that feels new and a bit out of our comfort zones. He may take you on a surprising rabbit trail! Whatever the case, let us listen for His voice.

“Make yourselves at home in my love” (John 15:9 MSG). This is Jesus’ invitation to us. May the Lord bless you as you open your heart to Him.

Daily Reflections

Click here to access the Selah resources or to download a PDF version.

Daily Reflections

Click here to access the Selah resources or to download a PDF version.

Why is it so important that you are with God and God alone on the mountain top? It’s important because it’s the place in which you can listen to the voice of the One who calls you the beloved.”

Henri Nouwen

“Why is it so important that you are with God and God alone on the mountain top? It’s important because it’s the place in which you can listen to the voice of the One who calls you the beloved.”

Henri Nouwen

Author and Copyright

Written by Sandra Bradley
Photography from various Pixabay contributors

Copyright ©2021 Cadence International

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review.