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Ruth Schwind
Cadence ID: 10964
Student Ministry
Yokota Air Base
Latest Newsletter
Phone: 626.533.9180
PO Box 1268
Englewood, CO 80150
United States

Stay Connected with Ruth

As an intern with Cadence International, Ruth Schwind will partner with full-time Cadence staff at Yokota Air Base to share the gospel and her life with the military community. She will work with youth and families in the community by assisting local staff in teaching the Bible, leading small groups, planning an outreach event, and developing fruitful relationships with those she is ministering to. Ruth will be trained and discipled during her internship to better equip her for Kingdom work.


Ruth accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior when she was four years old, though she did not fully comprehend the significance of her choice at the time. Growing up in a family of eleven, she was surrounded by strong Christians who walked with the Lord daily. She found comfort in Christ, and the Bible served as her guide through trials and hardships. For Ruth, salvation involves not only the sacrifice of Jesus Christ but also the opportunity to serve and worship Him while spreading the gospel to advance the kingdom of heaven. Jesus Christ is the light of her life, and He has brought her through all of life’s trials and challenges. Her faith in God goes beyond just a label or a religion. It is the center of her life, the foundation for everything she does, and the basis for every decision she makes.


Ruth’s journey with Cadence began when a mutual friend introduced her to the Hill City Hospitality House (a Cadence ministry) in Lynchburg, VA. At the time, she was studying at Liberty University and pursuing a career in the Marine Corps. However, she needed a community, which the Scott family provided for her through their ministry. With their help, her goals changed, and her purpose became oriented toward military ministry. As an intern with Cadence International, she hopes to grow and mature, continuing to seek where God will take her next. Ruth will graduate from Liberty University in May of 2025 with a bachelor’s degree in communication and a minor in vocal performance.