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Joslynn Brackett
Cadence ID: 10966
Children's Ministry
Spangdahlem Air Base
Latest Newsletter
Phone: 707.613.1478
PO Box 1268
Englewood, CO 80150

Stay Connected with Joslynn

As an intern with Cadence International, Joslynn will be participating with full-time Cadence staff at Spangdahlem Air Force base, Germany to share the gospel and her life with the military community. She will work with children in the community by assisting local staff in teaching the Bible, leading small groups, planning an outreach event, and developing fruitful relationships with those in the military community. Joslynn will be trained and discipled during her internship so that she is better equipped for Kingdom work.


Joslynn grew up in a Christian household, but it wasn’t until she was 13 that she fully accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. By being raised in a Christian home, Joslynn has learned and seen what it looks like to love and live like Christ. In the past three years, Joslynn has been working to grow her relationship with the Lord through attending many small groups, worship services, and workshops. She values having a strong community of like-minded people that love God and wants to serve others. Everyday Joslynn strives to grow her relationship with God and show others His love and grace.


Joslynn heard about Cadence International from her family’s frequent attendance and participation in events at the Hanger hospitality house in Germany. They fell in love with the ministry and serving in the community there. Joslynn’s parents continued their work with this ministry, eventually becoming Cadence Associate Field Staff members. She heard about the internship through her parents and knew that it would be a great opportunity to serve others and grow in her faith. She is currently enrolled at Grand Canyon University and is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in elementary education, with an emphasis in Christian studies. Joslynn is excited to see what the Lord has in store for her future and wants to continue to fulfill His plan.