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Harrison Rakhshani
Cadence ID: 10960
Adult Ministry
Camp Hansen
Latest Newsletter
Phone: 171.445.2784
13800 Biola AVE
La Mirada, CA 90639
United States

Stay Connected with Harrison

Harrison is currently a student of Old Testament and Semitics at Talbot School of Theology. He will serve as an Intern with the Hansen Christian Center (HCC) in Okinawa, Japan, from May 9 to July 25, 2024. Missionaries Darrow and Vicki Frazier have faithfully served the Lord overseas for over a decade and provide essential support to forward-deployed United States Marines. During his assignment, Harrison’s tasks will include cleaning, maintenance, and construction of HCC and the Camp Hansen chapel facilities, planning and facilitating Bible studies and sermons, leading and supporting the worship team, and following the example of the Fraziers in loving and caring for the community of active-duty saints and not-yet believers at Camp Hansen.


Harrison was raised in the church and has held a Christian worldview for as long as he can remember. Miserable and bored with his worldly habits, Harrison joined the Marine Corps in 2017 in search of a challenge that would change him. In April 2018, he was stationed in Okinawa, where he met Darrow and Vicki Frazier shortly after his arrival. HCC, known colloquially as “the house” by the Marines, became the locus of Harrison’s encounter with true religion and marked the beginning of his relationship with the living God through the grace of his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Harrison ended active service in the Marine Corps in 2022 to begin a journey through God’s living Word as a seminarian.


Harrison was born and raised in Huntington Beach, California. His mother, adopted father, and eight younger siblings are servants and children of God and attend First Christian Church in Huntington Beach. Harrison currently attends Grace Evangelical Free Church near Biola University in La Mirada, California.