Serving Joint Base Langley-Eustis

339 LaSalle Ave.Hampton 23661-1630, VA
Larry & BB Blakely
Larry and Brender (BB) Blakely direct the ministry serving Joint Base Langley-Eustis community. Cadence houses provide “a home away from home,” offering warmth and encouragement to service personnel, their spouses, and their children. Larry and BB provide home-cooked meals, recreational activities, Bible studies, prayer, mentoring, discipleship, and service opportunities to meet the needs of men and women in the military.
Larry and BB are both Air Force veterans who met at Keesler AFB in Mississippi in1974. They married in 1976 at the Cadence International hospitality house near Travis Air Force Base, California. BB served 4-1/2 years and Larry retired after 24 years at Langley. They are blessed with four children, three sons and one daughter, and four grandchildren. All our children have served in the military—Coast Guard, Army, and Navy.