Transformed Lives
Transformed Lives
Joyce and I really enjoyed our recent trip to visit our Cadence staff in Europe. We participated in their field-wide retreat as well as visited all our ministries and staff in Germany. What joy we experienced as we engaged in their gatherings, heard their stories and challenges, and had wonderful conversations with military people.
Most of our hospitality houses are full once again; indeed, some of them are overflowing with military people. All of them are teeming with a new appreciation and hunger for rich fellowship and deep community. The rooms of these homes are filled with love, joy, worship, Bible studies, and the lively chatter of renewed face-to-face relationships.
We also talked to chaplains who expressed gratefulness for their partnership with our Cadence staff in loving their military community.
In Wiesbaden, Germany, we heard a powerful testimony at the Cadence Summit Haus from a young woman in the Army whose life has been transformed by Jesus in these months of experiencing Him in the lives of that community of believers. She was baptized just a few weeks ago.
In Vilseck, Germany, we talked to two Soldiers who both have trusted Christ in the last 3–4 months.
In Spangdahlem, Germany, Joyce had a fascinating conversation with a young Airman at the Cadence ministry, The Hangar. She had recently finished six weeks of service at Ramstein Air Base giving medical care to the displaced Afghanistan refugees who had been evacuated from that country. She spoke of the women and children in particular and how meaningful it was to be the arms and feet of Jesus to them in this time of change and challenge.
And how we enjoyed getting to know some of our new Cadence staff who just a few years ago had been in the military and participating in a hospitality house and now were loving and blessing military people in their own ministries.
Friends, your prayers and support are making a difference in the lives of military people around the world. Joyce and I were privileged once again to witness and experience it first-hand, and we testify to you that lives are being transformed by Jesus!
In this month of Thanksgiving, we express to you our deep gratefulness for partnering with us in this vital and fruitful ministry.
David Schroeder