We gather.
Joyce and I recently gathered with the family and friends of Wilma Porter for her memorial service. She and her husband Ralph, who went to heaven in 2018, served military people through Cadence for over 50 years. We were honored to speak at her service, be with the family, and celebrate her life.
We gather. Important moments require people come together. Whether it be funerals, weddings, birthdays, graduations, or other celebrations, being together with family and friends is the essential element of these experiences.
Gatherings are at the heart of all our Cadence ministries as well. We bring military people and their families together in our homes, youth groups, retreats, coffee houses, Bible studies, small groups, and excursions.
Why? We were made by God for relationships and connection, and biblical community is the primary space and environment where the Spirit does His transformative work. Yes, we all need time alone with God, but raw and real change has its genesis in our relating to each other. The fruit of the Spirit is significantly activated as we connect with people.
As the church was being formed soon after Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension, gatherings were at the center of New Testament life. “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.” “All who believed were together and had all things in common.” (Acts 2:1, 44) Gathering descriptions are often recorded throughout the story of the Bible.
At the end of this month, Cadence has a very important gathering, and we would so appreciate being covered by your prayers. From June 25 – July 1, 2022, about 350 of our Cadence staff and family members will come to Green Lake, Wisconsin for our once-every-five year worldwide staff conference. Having been delayed from gathering the past two years because of the pandemic, there is a great deal of excitement and anticipation for this conference.
Our theme is Unhindered. It’s the very last word Luke penned in finishing the book of Acts, referring to Paul’s two year stay under house arrest in Rome and to the general advancement of the gospel, not only in that place, but around the world.
We intend to celebrate this unhindered gospel!
Would you pray our staff and families richly experience God and each other, be deeply encouraged in their hearts, and be better equipped to go back to their military ministries. Everything at our conference is designed around these three foundational goals.
Your prayers and financial support make this vital gathering possible—thank you! And may God richly bless you and accomplish His work in you and through you in all your gatherings this month as well.
David Schroeder