We Share


We share the gospel and our lives with the military community.
For 70 years, the mission of Cadence International has aligned and galvanized our staff in their fruitful ministry to military people and their families. When I think back on the 40 years Joyce and I have served in Cadence, the unrelenting focus of our hearts has been on this mission of loving military people.
A few weeks ago, I was considering the power of “sharing our lives” as I watched two of our Cadence kids play little league baseball. It just so happened that my visit to this ministry corresponded with our staff’s kids’ game. Of course I wanted to cheer them on—our Cadence kids have a very special place in our hearts.
What I hadn’t anticipated was seeing at least 10 soldiers from that hospitality house ministry also at the game rooting for these two boys! But of course they were—this is what “sharing our lives” means. We are there for each other in the moments and events of life. We share experiences of celebration and of sorrow, of the miraculous and the mundane, and of everyday importance to each person.
After the game, we hung out together at the nearby Dairy Queen. I heard the story of a young couple who met at the hospitality house, were married by the house director, and were now facing a year apart as newlyweds. The husband was deploying to South Korea for Army infantry training. This is not an uncommon story in military life.
What struck me was the peace of heart these two displayed as they talked about this looming time living on different continents. They were trusting God and His plan and were relying on His goodness and His provision. They also knew that she would be loved and supported well by the Cadence hospitality house community while he was deployed.
This is the heart and soul of Cadence ministry—We share the gospel and our lives.
Friends, you make this possible. This story is being repeated multiple times in many places even as I write these words to you. Your prayers and financial partnership fuel this gospel-centered missional living in military communities around the world.
You are an important part of this fruit—fruit that will last into eternity.
Thank you!
David Schroeder, President