North Country House Renovation

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Every Friday night, the North Country Hospitality House is bursting at the seams with Soldiers and family members from Fort Drum’s 10th Mountain Division. People gather wherever they can find space in various locations throughout the house: in the two living areas where we set up lots of folding chairs, in the hallway and kitchen, and on the stairs, where 15-20 youth usually sit. This military division is one of the busiest in the Army, deploying forces to nearly every major contingency, from disaster relief in the United States to combat operations around the globe. The remoteness of Upstate New York, combined with months of cold, dark, and snowy weather, increases the need for community, connection, and, most of all, the gospel of Jesus!

As our ministry continues to expand, we recognize the need to renovate our detached three-car garage, which has been damaged by years of ice, snow, and water. The renovation will repair the structural damage and include new siding, new shingles, a complete remodel of the meeting room and bathroom, and much more.

This building project will provide space for a multi-purpose meeting room, which we will use for ministry to our military youth. A new Cadence staff member, Ben Sprague, arrived recently to join our work with the teens at Fort Drum, so we will utilize this meeting room regularly. Additionally, this structure will provide secure storage for the tools and equipment necessary to care for the property here in the North Country.

The space will be versatile and useful as we strive to creatively engage the Fort Drum community with the gospel of Christ. We are seeking to raise $50,000 to make this a viable meeting space for years to come.

Psalm 127:1 says, “Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain.” Please join us in praying for this project and consider investing in our ministry to the Soldiers, families, and youth here at Fort Drum!

If this project is canceled for any reason or if excess funds are raised, any remaining balance will be used to further the ministry of Cadence International. The local ministry raising funds for this project will be given first consideration.