Kaiserslautern Winter Garden

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If this project is canceled for any reason or if excess funds are raised, any remaining balance will be used to further the ministry of Cadence International. The local ministry raising funds for this project will be given first consideration. 


The K-town Hospitality House would like to install what the Germans call a winter garden, which is an enclosed patio with moveable glass panels. Installation of the winter garden will be on two-thirds of the patio. This will double eating space, improve mealtime flow, help regulate the heating and cooling of the house, and prove to be a versatile space for every season. It is a worthwhile investment for this Cadence owned property, which has a long legacy and was just recently purchased.

The approximate cost of this project is $23,000. We are grateful to have $15,000 available so we can begin with the roof. Our goal is to raise $10,000, which would go towards the moveable glass panels, any unexpected construction costs, and the purchase of patio furniture to furnish the winter garden. Ideally, construction would begin this summer and be completed by the fall.