Pieces of Glory
I trust your gathering of friends and family over Christmas was meaningful and joyful, as was the experience for Joyce and me.
If you are wondering why there is a Christmas tree on my January receipt letter, it’s because this tree represents the fruit of your financial investment in the ministry of Cadence. If you look closely at the picture, you will see that it is made up of dozens of small, individually cut out pieces.
One of the activities on Christmas day in our home with both adults and grandkids was the creation of collages using chosen pieces from various magazines. This beautiful tree was our daughter Kyrie’s creation.
1 Corinthians 3:18 states, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
Let us ponder this: the Spirit is always working to transform us into God’s image “with ever-increasing glory.” You, me, and every single one of God’s children are being lovingly crafted day-by-day, step-by-step, glory-to-glory into his very image. Wow!
And like Kyrie’s tree, he is taking one piece of our life at a time and adding it to the tapestry of his likeness as he forms us. We may mostly see the individual small and ragged parts, often experiences of suffering, grief, brokenness, and difficulty, but God sees the “ever-increasing glory” of his loving work in us.
Our Christmas trees every Advent season remind us that baby Jesus was destined to hang on a tree—sacrificing himself that we might one day receive the gift of life and forgiveness of our sins.
Friends, thank you for your investment in the ministry of Cadence. Your prayers and gifts are making the eternal gift of life available to military people and their families around the world. And those precious people are being transformed piece-by-piece into the image of Jesus.
May you be encouraged in your journey with the Lord today, even as you read this letter. If the pieces of your life seem fragmented, frayed, or fragile, trust our Savior anew as he slowly but surely creates a handiwork of his glory in you.
David Schroeder