Name Above All Names
“There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth. It sounds like music in my ears, the sweetest Name on earth. Oh, how I love Jesus, oh how I love Jesus. Oh, how I love Jesus, because He first loved me.”
Like many of you, I basically grew up in a pew. Church twice on Sundays, often on Wednesdays, and other times as well. The great hymns of the faith are etched on my heart from years of singing both melody and harmony along with my five siblings and the congregation.
There’s something about hymns that anchor those who know and love them. When my wife, Joyce, sits down to the piano in our living room to play a hymn (and she can play them all) there is a stillness and peace that permeates our home.
Now, I also really enjoy many of the new hymns and today’s praise and worship songs. I am grateful God calls some of His servants to inspire us, as the Psalms say, to “sing a new song.” While the hymns anchor my heart, the new music ascends my heart in worship.
The hymn I quoted at the beginning of this letter beautifully fits this Christmas season. We celebrate the sweetest Name on earth—Jesus! We love Him, we adore Him, we serve Him.
It’s a special time of year for our Cadence staff to speak His Name in military communities. They join military believers around the world in sharing words of light, love, and life.
I love this little phrase in 3 John 7, “It was for the sake of the Name they went out . . .” Speaking of the motivation of the early believers, it transcends the centuries and also compels you and me. We live for and love the Name—the Name above all other names.
We speak of Jesus, and oh how we love Him!
On behalf of all our Cadence staff who “went out” to military people and their families for the sake of the Name, thank you for sending them!
May our Savior bless you and your families as you celebrate His birth during this Christmas season.
David Schroeder