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Yukie came to faith in Christ in 2006 at the Cadence Hospitality House (the Lighthouse) in Yokosuka, Japan. God used many Christians involved with the Lighthouse community to show His unconditional love to her. In 2007, she moved into the Lighthouse and started helping the ministry as a volunteer. As she served with the ministry, she experienced the joy of sharing her life with the military personnel and their families and the joy of sharing the Gospel with them. God also allowed Yukie to share her life and the good news with many Japanese people whom she met through this community. She was amazed by God’s grace that allowed her to be a part of His works to transform people’s lives. In 2010, Yukie became a full time missionary and continued to serve with Cadence until 2013.

After she left Cadence she went back home to Nagoya, Japan to reach out to her family. While she was reaching out to her family she studied at Christ Bible Seminary and served at a bilingual church with the Women & Children ministry. After four years in Nagoya, Yukie decided to serve with Cadence again, using her passion and gift of “hospitality” in order to share her life and the good news with many people.

Yukie Ida
Cadence ID: 10766
Adult Ministry
Kadena Air Base
Phone: 090.2153.2922
#302 Estacion
2-9-1 Higashi
Okinawa City, Okinawa 904-2154

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