Trevor & Jennifer

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After serving 20 years in the U.S. Marine Corps, Trevor retired from active duty on November 1, 2023. They relocated to South Carolina and are the new directors of Victory Ranch. They are very excited to see what God has planned for their time at Victory Ranch.


Trevor and Jennifer surrendered their lives to the Lord early in their marriage. They have been faithfully serving in their chapel communities ever since. Their experience as a young couple in the military has given the Claypools a heart for young couples and families, and they desire to help these people walk out their faith in the military community.


Trevor was born and raised in Northern Ohio, and Jennifer was born and raised in Southern Louisiana. They lived around the world during Trevor’s active-duty career and have now settled at Victory Ranch with their two teens, Braxton and Paisley, and Jen’s mother, Janice. Their oldest son, Gabriel, is currently serving in the U.S. Army. He, his wife Stephanie, and their precious son Alexander, are stationed at Fort Carson.

Trevor & Jennifer Claypool
Cadence ID: 10940
Victory Ranch Directors
Adult Ministry
Fort Jackson