Steve and Teeter have always had a love for missions and ministry. It is their joy to fill-in wherever and whenever, not only sharing their faith, but their life experiences with others. In their home church, they have taught Sunday school for over 40 years, continue to sing in the choir, have led mission trips to Israel and other locations, and basically just enjoy traveling and sharing Christ with others. A recent joy was conducting a worship service in China.
Saved as children, they grew up in the church and have claimed Jesus as their Savior for many years. Teeter’s grandparents were full-time Baptist missionaries in Peru for 20 years, founding churches in the headwaters of the Amazon. Now they continue the family tradition planting seeds in the minds and hearts of military families around the world.
Steve retired from the Air Force as a pilot and meteorologist, and Teeter retired from elementary teaching in the State of Florida. They were introduced to Cadence International through their then-active-duty daughter, Trish, in Vicenza Italy, and they now have served short tours in Vicenza, Italy (three times); Rota, Spain (twice); Kaiserslautern, Germany; Kadena, Okinawa; and twice at Victory Ranch near Ft. Jackson, South Carolina. Trish continues as Executive Director of VECTR, helping all the veterans of Georgia transition back into civilian life. Their son, Stephen, is in the financial world in Orlando, Florida, serving as CEO/President of CNL – a huge banking, real estate, and investment organization. Their church, Cadence, and seven grandchildren keep them active.
Steve & Teeter Mauldin
Cadence ID: 10650Limited-Term
Adult Ministry

Home: 386.738.3884
Steve: 386.747.5273
432 E. Rich Ave.
Deland, FL 32724-4315
United States
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