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Women in uniform number over 300,000. They experience the daily stress and rigors of military life, separations, loneliness, fear, and insecurities. Many are seeking friendship and ways to cope with these issues. Sharyn’s desire is to help Fort Cavazos women connect with and strengthen their relationship with God and other women through Bible studies, one-on-one meetings, and events.


On Good Friday in 1970, Sharyn understood that Jesus Christ loved her enough to die for her sins, and she began a personal relationship with Him. At age 19, she joined the Navy and was stationed in Yokosuka, Japan. Sharyn was far from home, stripped of the familiar, lonely, and seeking fellowship. A friend invited her to the Cadence Hospitality House, and it became her “home away from home.” She began seriously studying the Bible, memorizing Bible verses, and committed her life to God for full-time Christian service. After she was honorably discharged in 1979, she went on to graduate from Multnomah University with a BA in Biblical Literature. She worked for 16 years at Focus on the Family before joining Cadence in 2000. She returned to Yokosuka, Japan for four years, conducting a women’s ministry program at The Lighthouse. She then served in Kaiserslautern, Germany for ten years, teaching and speaking at Protestant Women of the Chapel Bible studies and events. Since 2015, Sharyn has served with the Soldiers Hospitality House team at Fort Cavazos.


Sharyn was born and raised in Massillon, Ohio with her older brother.

Sharyn Holl
Cadence ID: 10586
Home Assignment
Adult Ministry
Mobile: 254.226.8427
4609 Stanford Dr
Killeen, TX 76542-3945
United States

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