Robin & Linda

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Robin & Linda Windisch
Cadence ID: 10873
Home Assignment
Adult Ministry
U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz (Baumholder)

Since 1977, Cadence International has been a consistent presence in the Baumholder Military Community. The Festaburg is a home away from home for Soldiers and civilians. Robin and Linda are committed to seeing the often dark and lonely lives of Soldiers stationed overseas brightened by loving hospitality and the good news of Jesus. 
Once a week, the Festaburg hosts a home-cooked meal followed by a Bible study. They also take Soldiers and their families on outings or have fun events in their big backyard about once a month. Outings may include exploring a local castle, experiencing culture at a festival, or traveling to see historical places of interest in that part of Europe. 


Robin was raised Roman Catholic, and when their children were young, he began attending a Presbyterian church with the family. Robin discovered he could have a personal relationship with Christ and has been developing and maturing that relationship ever since. 
Linda grew up going to church with her family and as a teenager understood that Jesus died for her sins, she was forgiven, and she would go to heaven. Later in life, Linda realized she needed to make Jesus the Lord of her life and give Him control of her whole life. Linda has found freedom through surrendering her life to Christ and loves to teach others about this freedom through a relationship with Christ. 
Linda and Robin love to serve God together and make disciples who will follow Jesus throughout their lives.