After 16 years of serving as Hospitality House Directors in Korea and most recently in Anchorage, Alaska, Bob and Stephanie are excited to serve in other vital roles for Cadence. Bob, who has years of experience in carpentry and construction, is working with the Field Maintenance Team, which helps maintain and steward the 16 Cadence-owned properties around the world with excellence. With her training and years of experience, Stephanie has been assigned as the Director of Mobilization. She is responsible for overseeing the team that recruits full and part-time missionaries and short and long-term Interns.
Both Bob and Stephanie have walked with the Lord and worked to demonstrate their love for Him and others by spending personal time with Him and through service to others. They believe Jesus is the only Son of God and died to pay the penalty for their sins. The Caudles believe God’s love and sacrifice for them compels them to love and sacrifice for Him and others. (2 Cor. 5:14)
Bob, the oldest of three, grew up on a family farm in southern Arkansas. Stephanie grew up in Michigan in a blended family. They have three children in their twenties: Nathan, who is married to Tara; Sarah, who is married to Dave; and Erin. Their children have been an integral part of their ministry and are now following the Lord and serving Him where they work and live.
Robert & Stephanie Caudle
Cadence ID: 10654Bob: Field Maintenance Team; Stephanie: Director of Mobilization

Bob: 907.748.1860
Stephanie: 907.748.1865
442 Nevada 15
Rosston, AR 71858
United States
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