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Mike reaches the soldiers at Camp Humphreys in order to build relationships and assist them in maximizing their time there to grow spiritually. For some, it is enough that they simply leave without getting busted in rank, or without giving up and joining those that end up in toxic relationships with alcohol and bar girls, and there is plenty of both.

Mike meets at Shalom House, on base, or at a coffee shop for Bible study and discipleship, honing their skills in how to mine God’s Word and basic Christian apologetics so that they can, in turn, tell and teach others about Jesus Christ. They also provide substantial opportunities for soldiers to “flesh out” their faith through outreach opportunities with orphans, the homeless, North Korean refugee youth, abandoned infants, and other God-given opportunities that come across their radar.


Mike was saved in college through a friend who became a big brother, discipled him, and became his pastor. Before that time, he had gotten his undergrad and grad degrees in psychology, in an effort to “figger himself out,” all to no avail and much frustration. Not until he believed the Gospel did he begin to make headway in that effort, opening his Bible and discovering the God that knows him best and, yet, gave him His best.


Mike has brothers and sisters in Texas. He was raised at Buckner Children’s Home in Dallas and, though he was a knucklehead and eventually got kicked off campus (ending up in the Marines), he would not trade Buckner as his home for any other opportunity if he could live life over.

Mike Martin
Cadence ID: 10684
Humphreys Hospitality House
Adult Ministry
U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys
Latest Newsletter
International: 010.4071.4517
U.S.: 214.476.9740
PO Box 1268
Englewood, CO 80150
South Korea

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