Michael & Jonna

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Michael & Jonna Payne
Cadence ID: 10739
Home Assignment
Adult Ministry
Osan Air Base
Local: 010.9528.3106
International: +82 10.9528.3106
PSC 3 Box 7012
Osan Hospitality House
APO, AP 96266
South Korea

Stay Connected with Michael & Jonna

Reach, disciple, model, and send: the Great Commission is to make disciples, and Michael and Jonna take that commission to heart. They invest through discipleship, community, activities and events, and good old-fashioned home-cooking. They desire to help their disciples grow in their relationship with Christ through intentional and direct teaching and modeling. The Payne’s live life on display, transparent and visible, modeling Christian behavior, for their disciples to emulate. Then they send into the world, more equipped than before, disciple-makers, to continue the Great Commission.


Michael was born and raised in a “Christian” home but was not a believer until his mid-20s during a very low point in his life. From there, God has been ever faithful in drawing Michael closer to him. A long-time friend and mentor of his convinced him in 1999 to go to China on a short-term mission trip, and the rest is history. God moved his spirit and he knew someday he would serve in full-time ministry in Asia. That belief became a reality in 2009 when they joined Cadence—they were in South Korea by 2012. Jonna followed Christ early in her life and has never looked back. While God was moving Michael’s spirit to missions, she was not as convinced. She would willingly have gone wherever God sent Michael, but God, in His wonderful way, moved her heart to missions during the time they were exploring possible organizations to partner with. By the time they had their candidacy with Cadence, she was as committed as Michael was.


Michael and Jonna have four children: Nicole (married), Cassie (married with two daughters), Sarah (with them in ministry), and Nate (married and on staff with Cadence). They are all adults and great kids. While the kids are grown and have lives of their own the nest is not empty. They always have people in their home; visitors, short-term guests, long-term guests, out-of-town guests, and the occasional stray too. According to them, “Life’s riches are people and the relationships we have with them,” and they are rich indeed. Life away from the grandkids is, admittedly, hard for them but a life spent loving others makes the sacrifice worth it.