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Micah Will is excited to serve in a Student Ministry position, working with students grades 6-12 in the military community. He will support the local chapel by being intentionally involved with youth and their families. Micah will work alongside another full-time Cadence staff member in discipling, mentoring, and engaging students on a personal level, sharing with them the good news of Jesus Christ and walking with them as they learn how to live their lives for Christ.


By God’s grace, Micah has been walking with the Lord for as long as he can remember. From a young age, his heart has been wired to be sensitive to the Spirit and His leading, aided by the incredible example of his parents. They nurtured and steered Micah as he grew in his faith, and he is forever grateful for their gentle leadership. Over the past two years, Micah has begun to understand in a greater sense the love with which Christ loves him and how he should respond to that love.


Micah is the second son of Michael and Christy Will. He has one sister and two brothers, Emma Grace, Noah Benjamin, and Elijah Wesley. His dad fervently serves as the Pastor of Discipleship at Grace E.C. Church in Knox, Pennsylvania, where his parents were married! Micah’s mom humbly manages the Will household and takes care of his older brother, Noah, who has been diagnosed with autism. This dynamic, though difficult at times, is such an incredible blessing from the Lord.

Micah Will
Cadence ID: 10970
Partnership Development
Student Ministry
Phone: 814.221.7451
4500 Milligans Cove Rd
Manns Choice, PA 15550
United States

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