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Lydia Leonard
Cadence ID: 10965
Children's Ministry
Spangdahlem Air Base
Latest Newsletter
Phone: 317.506.1902
PO Box 1268
Englewood, CO 80150
United States

Stay Connected with Lydia

As an intern with Cadence International, Lydia will be partnering with full-time Cadence staff in Spangdahlem, Germany to share the gospel and her life with the military community. The ministry at The Hangar provides an open door with home-cooked meals, as well as weekly Bible studies and Christian mentoring to the Airmen and their families stationed at Spangdahlem. Lydia will work with the children and families in the community by assisting local staff in teaching the Bible, leading small groups, planning an outreach event, and developing fruitful relationships with those in the military community. Lydia will be trained and discipled during her internship so that she is better equipped for Kingdom work.


Lydia was raised in a Christian home and gave her life to Jesus at the age of 14. She has been blessed to have the examples of parents and mentors who love the Lord Jesus and encourage her to walk with Him. Lydia is growing in her knowledge of the Lord and what it means to live fully for Him using the gifts and skills He has given her.


Lydia graduated from high school in May of 2023, and heard about Cadence International from a friend and mentor who knew of her interest in mission work. Lydia wants to share God’s love for people through her life and she is excited to come alongside and work with parents as they seek to raise their children to honor God.