Candace and Jeff first became acquainted with Cadence in 2017 while stationed in Grafenwoehr, Germany. They were immediately drawn into that precious community and felt God’s call into full-time ministry. After ten years of service in the Army, Jeff and Candace joined Cadence. They are currently House Directors at the Humphreys Hospitality House in South Korea where they open their home weekly and provide meals, fellowship, and unconditional love to those who walk through their doors.
Candace is blessed to have always been part of a church and to hear the Word of God regularly. She became a Christian when she was three years old. She learned that she desperately needed Christ and wanted His grace and love in her heart. Candace prayed for Him to be her Savior while she was in the back of her mom’s old Plymouth van in the heat of a North Carolina summer. As she’s grown with all the challenges life has thrown at her, God’s presence in her life has grown too. She loves walking with Him each day and seeing what He will do next with her life.
Jeff was also saved at three years old. He remembers attending a children’s concert with his family and having a strong desire to go up during the altar call. His dad brought Jeff up front and prayed with him. Jeff knows that it was genuine because God has worked in him throughout his whole life. He was baptized when he was 12 to fulfill Jesus’ command as an outward sign of Jeff’s allegiance to Him. Over the years, God has molded Jeff and changed him into a man who is more patient, humble, and kind than when he was a teenager and young adult. His redemptive work continues to convict Jeff of his sin and he sees God’s hand in everything he does and experiences.
Jeff was born in New York, and when he was six, he moved to North Carolina with his parents, three sisters, and two brothers. Candace was born and raised in North Carolina by her mom, along with her older brother and sister, and her identical twin. Jeff and Candace were married in 2011 right after she graduated from nursing school and before he had completed his studies as an engineer. They have three sweet, energetic sons, Elijah (2013), Kirk (2015), and Joshua (2021).
Jeffrey & Candace Walton
Cadence ID: 10923Humphreys Hospitality House
Adult Ministry
U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys

International Phone: +821026272207
93-3 Changnae 2-gil
Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do 17927
Republic of Korea
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