Skip and Ruth work alongside the chaplains to evangelize and disciple the military men, women, and their families that are stationed in this area.
Skip had gone to church since he was a baby, so he grew up knowing a lot of facts about Jesus and about the Bible. In 1969, when he was 18, he joined the Navy (stayed in the Navy for almost 22 years) and one of his first schools in the military was at Great Lakes, IL. A godly sailor befriended him and encouraged him to receive Christ into his life as his Lord and Savior. His life was radically changed after he believed that Christ had died for his sins and by faith invited Jesus into his heart.
As they bounced around the world, missionaries from OCSC (name changed to Cadence years later) helped them to grow in their relationship to God and to each other. Ruth and Skip wanted God to use them in the same way as these couples had helped them. So in 1992 they became missionaries with Cadence/OCSC and of all places to start their work with the military, they went to Great Lakes, IL. Then in 2003 they moved to Pensacola, FL to continue working with the military there.
Ruth also went to church as she was growing up, but she does not remember ever hearing a clear presentation of the gospel.
She joined the Navy shortly after high school and eventually came to Rota, Spain (that’s where they met). A young Navy wife shared with Ruth about her need to receive Christ into her heart, and Ruth became a Christian.
In 1975 Ruth was diagnosed with MS and was medically put out of the Navy. They were married in that same year.
Through the years Ruth has led many Bible studies and browned a lot of hamburger to feed the ones they were sharing with.
One guy said that he couldn’t remember much of what Skip taught, but he remembered Ruth’s cooking.
The Lord has not blessed them with children, but they have loved and “adopted” many of the young military men and women.
Elliott "Skip" & Ruth Main
Cadence ID: 10427Pensacola Hospitality House
Adult Ministry
Naval Air Station Pensacola

Home: 850.458.1616
Mobile: 850.382.8215
1448 Little Creek Dr.
Pensacola, FL 32506-8257
United States
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