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As an intern with Cadence International, Elizabeth (Elise) Sanchez will partner with full-time Cadence staff at Yokota Air Base in Japan to share the gospel and her life with the military community. She will work with youth in the community by assisting local staff in teaching the Bible, leading small groups, planning an outreach event, and developing fruitful relationships with students. Elise will be trained and discipled during her internship to better equip her for Kingdom work.


Elise was born into a multi-generational Christian family dedicated to ministry. After accepting Christ and being baptized in elementary school, she continued to grow in her love for the Lord, mainly through the ministry of the local church. Throughout middle and high school, Elise’s faith deepened as she began serving in church and Awana, teaching others about Jesus Christ. Actively living out her faith has drawn her closer to Christ and propels her toward further ministry.


Elise is currently a junior at Moody Bible Institute, concentrating on pastoral studies. She desires to shepherd people’s hearts wherever the Lord places her. She first heard about Cadence International from a friend and sees this internship as a unique opportunity to use her studies and training to serve the Lord while ministering to families living on military bases. Elise enjoys quality time with friends doing various activities like exploring her home city of Chicago, rock climbing, or simply chatting late into the night. She enjoys connecting with people and hopes to always be involved in serving, discipling, and shepherding God’s children.

Elizabeth Sanchez
Cadence ID: 10968
Student Ministry
Yokota Air Base
Latest Newsletter
PO Box 1268
Englewood, CO 80150
United States

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