David serves as President of Cadence International, overseeing the mission, vision, and values of Cadence, as well as day-to-day operations. Joyce serves on the Communications team as a writer and editor.
Joyce put her faith in Jesus when she was almost four and her parents, Dick and Margaret Patty, were directing the Subic Servicemen’s Center in the Philippines. The Pattys are some of the founders of OCSC/Cadence International. David trusted Christ when he was eight and spent his early years with his family in a remote town in Canada where his dad pastored a church and worked at the lumber mill. He then grew up in Washington state.
David and Joyce met at Multnomah University in Portland Oregon. They were part of the first Malachi Singers quartet in 1981, but didn’t start to fall in love until their fourth summer singing together in Germany. They were married in 1986.
Malachi Singers went on to become Malachi Ministries, and is now Cadence Student Ministries. The Schroeders ministered to military teens in Germany until 1995 when David was called to serve as the president of Cadence, and the family moved back to Colorado near the Headquarters.
David and Joyce have four adult children, Kerith, Justin, Kyrie, and Jonathan. They are also blessed with two sons-in-law, a daughter-in-law, and three amazing grandchildren (plus another on the way through international adoption).
David & Joyce Schroeder
Cadence ID: 10136President

Direct: 720.354.4696
Headquarters: 303.762.1400
PO Box 1268
Englewood, CO 80150
United States
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