Blake & Janiece

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Blake & Janiece Murri
Cadence ID: 10886
Adult Ministry
Home: 303.973.3023
Mobile: 720.822.4320
10079 Blue Mesa Dr.
Littleton, CO 80125
United States

Stay Connected with Blake & Janiece

Blake recently retired from Lockheed Martin. His entire career was centered around working with and providing services and products to the military. He has a heart for service men and women. Blake and Janiece knew that they wanted to serve in ministry when he retired, although they were unsure where that would be. They learned about Cadence International as he was preparing to retire, and they immediately knew this was the perfect fit for them. They will be serving as limited-term staff, filling-in for Cadence missionaries on an as-needed basis.


Blake came to faith in Christ through the life witness of young men at a local church after they moved to Denver in 1983. They engaged him in recreational sports activities (softball, football, volleyball, etc.), and they represented Christ to him. They were outstanding athletes, yet they had a compassion that he had never seen before among men. He knew that he needed that in his life. He accepted Christ in October 1985. Janiece grew up in a home where her mother and grandmother went to church, but they did not walk out their Christian faith. After moving to Denver, she got involved in a local Christian church, dragging her family along. She had a spiritual awakening there and rededicated her life to Christ in July 1985.


Blake and Janiece are from Idaho; she from a farming community outside of Boise, and him from a Mormon community on the east side of the state. They have three children; Ryan (and Faith) Murri, Allyson (and Jake) Jones, and Samuel (and Danielle) Murri. All of their children have professed a faith in Jesus Christ. Sam was killed in an automobile accident in 2014. Their other two children and their families live in the Denver area. They currently have three grandchildren.