Travis Hospitality House

Serving Travis Air Force Base

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4534 Solano Rd.
Fairfield 94533, CA

Zach & Cassandra Brown
Patrick Odom

Travis Air Force Base is located in Fairfield, California, between San Francisco and Sacramento. The workforce consists of approximately 7,300 Air Force personnel and 3,800 civilians. In addition, there are also 4,300 Air Force Reserve personnel stationed there.

Travis Air Force Base is home to one of the largest Air Mobility organizations in the Air Force. It is also home to David Grant Medical Center, which is the largest USAF medical center in the continental United States.

The Travis Hospitality House is located just two miles outside the main gate. The house ministers to this large, diverse military community and focuses on reaching out to both the 1,000 single Airmen who live in the dorms, as well as military families.

The house directors, Zach and Cassandra Brown, and their family, believe that people are designed for relationships, and they desire their home to be a place where people feel loved, cared for, and comfortable; a place where people can find peace and a sense of belonging. They share the gospel and their lives through ministry nights, Bible studies, mentoring, and life-on-life discipleship. They also host Air Force community events.

The Travis Hospitality House is located on more than four acres. The property has a volleyball court, fruit trees, chickens, and the beginnings of a garden and gardening ministry. Believing that God created people to be fruitful and creative, they hope to expand this avenue for ministry in the coming years.