Serving U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys

93-3 Changnae 2-gilOseong-myeon , Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do 17927
South Korea
Jeffrey & Candace Walton
Jonathan (Nate) Payne
Mike Martin
The Humphreys Hospitality House serves the USAG Humphreys military community in Korea. Candace and Jeff open their home weekly and provide meals, fellowship, and unconditional love to those who walk through their doors. They also encourage and challenge people to grow deeper in their relationships with Christ, especially in the everyday stuff of life. USAG Humphreys is an extremely busy base where Soldiers usually stay for 1-2 years before moving to their next assignment. Many young Soldiers are on their own for the first time in their lives, and others leave their families behind for an entire year. The Waltons provide a home away from home for these sacrificial Soldiers.
The Waltons’ lives were transformed through the ministry of a Cadence hospitality house while stationed in Grafenwoehr, Germany. They felt God’s call into full-time ministry while Jeff was on active-duty. After separating from the US Army as an Engineer Captain in 2019, Jeff attended seminary. The Waltons were appointed as missionaries with Cadence in 2020 and began full-time ministry at USAG Humphreys in July 2022. They are passionate about good food, hosting people in their home, and playing board games.
The Waltons seek to fulfill the Great Commission by sharing their home, their lives, and the gospel with the USAG Humphreys community. The Waltons believe their partnership with supporters and friends is a necessary and vital part of their ministry. They value the prayers and monthly financial giving from others which helps them join God as He transforms the hearts and minds of those they minister to.