Ministry Through Conversations


Ministry is often about conversations . . . a person needing to talk  . . . someone who cares starting a conversation which begins as a simple question and moves to an encounter which leads to discussions. Consider these two testimonies:

“I am thankful that Nate and Louise were willing to take a chance and take in a stray, not just to share their home, but to share their lives. They were always there when I needed to talk about something personal, spiritual, or even just trivial. This place and these people have made all the difference to me.”

—David Weber, from the Johnsons’ ministry at Travis AFB

“Many of these encounters lead to discussions about personal history, relationships, ministry, theology, and the deep waters that accompany life. What often begins as a simple question, moves into a discussion of heart issues, gospel reminders, and opportunities to speak into different aspects of life. It is the kind of thing that makes me declare to Louise, ‘This is why I love what we do!’”

—Nate Johnson

It’s these discussions about life, relationships, choices, emotions, history, future, and so much more which often lead to change, hope, and life-transformation. The quotes above beautifully illustrate this process and are an example of what Cadence staff seek to offer in each of their ministries.

Whether it’s God speaking to us through His Word and His Spirit, us speaking to Him in prayer, or whether it’s the meaningful conversations we have with each other—so much significant growth springs from these connections.

This is why listening well and asking good questions was one of the mission-wide training topics covered at our last round of Cadence field staff conferences. It’s why being restricted to Zoom, FaceTime, phone calls, and other virtual connections cannot stop the power and impact of meaningful conversations!

Ministry continues because conversations endure. Sure, we look forward to our future maskless face-to-face encounters with others, but in the meantime, we thank God for every connection He gives us with others. And, we make the most of them, as Nate and Louise did with David at our Travis Hospitality House ministry.

Friends, keep connecting, caring, and conversing well with others. These are the pathways for the Spirit to create transformation in others. Your gifts and prayers allow Cadence staff to do this very thing with military people and their families, and we thank you! 

David Schroeder