Let Me Tell You About Jesus

Let Me Tell You About Jesus

In Anne Wilson’s song My Jesus, she sings: “Let me tell you ‘bout my Jesus. His love is strong and His grace is free. And the good news is I know that He can do for you what He’s done for me. Let me tell you ‘bout my Jesus, and let my Jesus change your life.”

The gospel of Jesus Christ is mentioned 93 times in the New Testament. Seven of those references are in the first chapter of the book of Philippians. Here are two of them:

“Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you.” Philippians 1:27–28

The gospel compels us to live worthy of it and strive together for it.

In the last few months, the Spirit has flooded my heart multiple times with compassion for lost and broken people who need this good news:

  • During a particular song at a secular concert where I glimpsed the heart of God for the 9,000 people around me.
  • At a truck stop in Wyoming while driving our daughter and her family’s possessions in a U-Haul as they moved from Oregon to Colorado.
  • In the middle of a presentation at church by missionaries who have given their hearts and lives to bring the gospel to the people of northern Pakistan.
  • In the checkout line at our local grocery store.

Just simple everyday moments. In each of these, I did not have the opportunity to share the gospel, but wow did I pray Jesus would meet these people. Moments like this remind me I am called to live worthy of my Lord, worthy of His sacrifice, and worthy of this amazing and powerful good news.

And you know what else? These glimpses of the heart of God for people also call me to “strive together as one for the faith of the gospel.” The petty and unimportant issues that some in our country debate and divide over fade to nothing in the light of the overwhelming love of God.

Friends, as we celebrate the One who came to us—to be with us, to save us—Jesus, let us set aside differences that divide and distract us. Let us lift up the worthy name of our Savior, and let us sing with all our hearts to all those who will listen: “Let me tell you about my Jesus!”

In His Beautiful and Powerful Name,

David Schroeder

Proclaim the Kingdom of God

Proclaim the Kingdom of God

At the end of Acts, Luke gives us a glimpse into the last few years of Paul’s life, telling us that he welcomed all who came to him, “proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ.” That phrase, “kingdom of God,” is used around 75 times in the New Testament, and the “kingdom of heaven” is mentioned 34 times.

The kingdom of God is vast, deep, and complex, and Jesus used many metaphors to help His followers understand it. It’s like a farmer sowing seed in his field, a mustard seed, yeast mixed into dough, treasure hidden in a field, a merchant looking for fine pearls, and more.

There’s one particular metaphor that stands out to me. In Mark 4:26–29, Jesus says, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. All by itself, the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it because the harvest has come.”

In this parable Jesus emphasized that so much of the kingdom’s growth is beyond our control—the work of God accomplishes it. We do our part by watering, sowing, loving, and teaching, but God causes the growth.

Another truth we see in Scripture is that the kingdom of God is the opposite of the kingdoms of this world which often emphasize acquisition, power, and control. In her book The Gospel on the Ground, Kristi McLelland says, “In contrast, we find the kingdom of God to be anchored in relinquishment. The way of Jesus says the last will be first. Jesus says we are to lose our lives to gain them. The way of the kingdom of God is entirely upside-down to the way of the world and empire. Caesar would do anything to stay on top. Jesus says the way to flourish is to go low.”

Friends, each one of us plays a vital role in God’s kingdom coming to earth. We sow, water, and harvest in our locations and in our relationships. Thank you for your work in your corner of God’s kingdom and for your faithful financial partnership which enables Cadence staff to participate in His kingdom work in military communities worldwide.

And let’s never forget that we are inheriting a kingdom that cannot be shaken (Hebrews 12:28)!

David Schroeder

Celebrating 50 Years of the Travis Hospitality House

Celebrating 50 Years of the Travis Hospitality House

Joyce and I recently participated in the 50th celebration of the Travis Hospitality House ministry near Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, California. Fifty years! Not only has this hospitality house been a beacon of hope for this military community for 50 years, but the ministry has been located on the same five-acre property and facility the entire time. This property was purchased by Cadence in 1973 under the direction of one of the mission’s founding couples, Tom and Dotty Hash.

Around 80 people attended this celebration, and we heard stirring stories from our Travis Hospitality House alumni of how God transformed their lives during their time in that place.

Cindy Zulli, former Cadence board member said, “I was saved right here in this living room in 1975!” She pointed to a specific spot in the room as she shared this praise. Wow!

Current Cadence staff Char Hauser, who ministers to women in the military community of Kaneohe Bay Marine Corps Base Hawaii, wrote, “It was at Travis that Tom and Dotty modeled the ministry for me and my husband, Ray. They prayed that I would see God leading us to commit our lives to sharing the gospel and our lives with the military. Tom and Dotty were amazing, patient mentors, and here I am 45 years later, still going. It all began at the Travis Hospitality House.”

The stories kept coming of life-transforming moments over five decades. We also met Airmen who were enjoying the hospitality house right now in these days under the care of Cadence staff, Zach and Cassandra Brown. In addition, four different chaplains approached me to express gratefulness for Cadence and the privilege of partnering with our staff there and in many other locations around the world. What a blessing!

Tom and Dotty’s son, Dan Hash, said this at the celebration: “Facilities matter. They ground us and connect us. They open the doors and give us context for ministry through God’s number one delivery system, which is people who are not all put together.”

Homes, facilities, properties—they matter. They may be temporary dwellings on this earth, but God uses these places to reach souls and touch lives as military people connect with Him and others in lifechanging community.

One of the other fifteen Cadence-owned properties God is using for His work is on the other side of the world in Rota, Spain. In 2025, we will celebrate 50 years of the Rota ministry, all on the same property which Cadence has owned for 40 of those years. And yet this property needs significant renovations. To that end, in the coming months you will be hearing about our Joshua Project campaign to raise funds to stop erosion on a perimeter hill, repair the perimeter fence, restore a deteriorating apartment, and more.

As we celebrate God’s faithfulness at the Travis Hospitality House this year and look forward to celebrating in Rota, we are grateful for how you partner with our missionaries and ministries around the world.

David Schroeder

One Day Well Spent

One Day Well Spent

Psalm 84:10a says, “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere.”

This Psalm was written by the Sons of Korah who were responsible for the worship at the temple of God for the people of Israel in Old Testament times. The psalmists focus on the beauty of dwelling in the presence of God and the reality of pilgrimage for God’s people.

Recently I was reflecting on this portion of Scripture and verse 10 stirred my heart. Here the psalmists are comparing the importance of time and how it is spent—one day better than a thousand. Why? It is spent in “your courts,” in the presence of God.

Time is a treasure and how, where, why, and with whom we “spend” it is very significant.

Here are a few of the many truths about time in Scripture:

  1. Time is a gift (Psalm 139:13–16)
  2. Time is limited (Psalm 90:10)
  3. Time is fleeting (James 4:14)
  4. Time is important (Psalm 90:12)

Of all the things that could be said about time and its expenditure, I want to emphasize the importance of a life spent walking in the presence of God. We are now God’s temple. His Spirit resides in us. As we walk with Him we experience His presence, His power, and His purposes. What a beautiful and sacred privilege to live this way.

I recently googled, “How many times does a person’s heart beat in a day?” The answer was approximately 100,000 times in 24 hours. That is almost 4,200 times an hour!

Do I make this happen? No. Every beat of my heart is from God! It is a gift to be treasured and spent in wisdom and love. And not just in the big and visible significant moments, but faithfully walking in the Lord’s presence in the small, unseen, and quiet moments as well.

One of our mentors, the late Dr. Pam Reeve, in her book Faith Is, said it this way: “Faith is realizing that God is the God of now, carrying on His purposes in every tedious, dull, stupid, boring, empty minute of my life.”

I’ve got plenty of those moments—how about you?

I pray you know God’s precious presence in all the heartbeats of your life. And may I remind you that your financial investment in Cadence allows our staff to spend their cherished time in loving military people and their families all around the world.

Your contributions create the gift of time, and it is being well spent!


David Schroeder

Celebration and Service

Celebration and Service

America just celebrated its 247th birthday on the Fourth of July. Joyce and I hosted over sixty Cadence-connected people at our house for dinner and fireworks. Our home affords a wonderful view of our city’s firework show, and this gathering has been an annual tradition for most of the past twenty years.

The celebration in our home mirrored those hosted by many Cadence hospitality houses around the globe, where they offered food, connection, and fellowship to service members and their families—an extension of what they provide weekly throughout the year.

One of Cadence’s nine summer interns, who is working with Darrow and Vicki Frazier and the Marines at Hansen Christian Center in Okinawa, Japan, described his experience of their ministry in this way:

“The ministry that the Fraziers have created here is the most fruitful and well-run young adult ministry I have ever seen. HCC provides a way for the Christians on base to connect with each other and offers recreational opportunities every weekend as an alternative to the rampant drinking and partying that the base offers. As a result, many Marines choose to stay the entire weekend. The community they have created, where authentic affection and service are at the center, is nothing short of awe-inspiring.”

The Fourth of July reminds us that the United States is our home, and that despite its flaws and difficulties it remains a home worth securing and defending. This is a holiday where Americans are appreciative of the U.S. military personnel and their families who sacrifice and serve in defense of our country and Constitution.

Cadence is honored to provide places of belonging and love for these patriots in homes and ministries across the U.S. and around the world, where “authentic affection and service are at the center.” For many military people and their families, Cadence ministries are a home away from home. And for some, it is their first experience of a loving home.

Your partnership with Cadence is so significant and appreciated. Because of you, we can faithfully and fruitfully “share the gospel and our lives with the military community” throughout the year.

Thank you, and may God bless you for your investment in His kingdom work through Cadence.

David Schroeder