Joe & Caitlin

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Joe and Caitlin are a young married couple who separated from the Navy in 2016. They run The Anchor Hospitality House at N.A.S. Oceana in Virginia Beach for the Sailors, Marines, and families stationed there. They primarily focus on their Friday Night Bible Study, but also open their home to share their lives and the gospel with their military community.


Joe grew up in a Christian home, but did not commit to Christ until he was 18 years old. He went to church with his family every Sunday and regularly attended church events, but his life outside of church and home was spent living in disobedience to God. By the age of 11, he was immersed in drugs, sex, and alcohol. It is by God’s grace that he is able to count himself a son of God. Joe is grateful to God for saving him and to all the people who showed him he needed Jesus.

Caitlin grew up as a Navy kid and moved countless times. By the age of five, her family was set to move to their first overseas location in the Middle East. She had decided that before they went, she was going to ask Jesus to come into her heart. Her parents knelt next to her bed and they guided her in prayer. Ever since, Caitlin’s desire has been to follow Him. She thanks God for saving her at such a young age so that she was spared a life of sorrow and searching. She hopes that she and Joe can guide their children to know Jesus one day so they can experience the love and belonging that they can find in Him.


God has blessed Joe and Caitlin with two children, Olivia and Franklin.

Joe & Caitlin Fletcher
Cadence ID: 10863
The Anchor
Adult Ministry
NAS Oceana
Latest Newsletter
Ministry Website
Joe: 682.410.8815
Caitlin: 682.410.8816
532 Ben Hogan Dr.
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
United States

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