Sharing the gospel and our lives with the military community

Sharing the gospel and our lives with the military community

Sharing the gospel and our lives with the military community

About Cadence

Military Ministries

Serve, Pray, Give

Stories from the Field

Friends of Cadence,

Joyce and I want to share some important news with you. Please watch this brief video to learn how God has been leading us and the Cadence Board of Directors to a timeline for Joyce and me to transition out of our current roles (President and Communications Editor) to different responsibilities in Cadence that further the cause of fruitful ministry to military people and their families.

An Update From David and Joyce Schroeder

The Cadence Way

We Stay

In a transient and mobile military community, Cadence offers stability, strength, and consistency over the long haul to each installation we serve.

We Serve

Cadence enjoys favor with the military community and has a proven reputation of serving military personnel and families in general, and chaplains in particular.

We Shape

Cadence staff are experts in creating and sustaining biblical, life-changing fellowships within the military community.

We Send

Cadence ministries are constantly releasing military people transformed by Christ to live for Him wherever He sends them.

We Strive

Military ministry is all Cadence does. It is our one focus, passion, and joy. Cadence gives its all to the global military communities we serve.

While I was in grade school and my dad was stationed in Germany, we attended the house on Friday nights, and I witnessed my grandparents in action: serving and blessing others while opening up their large home with warm hospitality, good food, laughter, and Bible study. For many, including me, it was a place where we encountered God—not an abstract, far-off god, but a real, personal, loving, Savior God who orchestrates real-deal transformation and abundant life.”

Rebecca Sneller, Former military kid and current Cadence staff

“For many, including me, the hospitality house was a place where we encountered God—not an abstract, far-off god, but a real, personal, loving, Savior God who orchestrates real-deal transformation and abundant life.”

Rebecca Sneller, Former military kid and current Cadence staff

From the President

I trust your gathering of friends and family over Christmas was meaningful and joyful, as was the experience for Joyce and me.

If you are wondering why there is a Christmas tree on my January receipt letter, it’s because this tree represents the fruit of your financial investment in the ministry of Cadence. If you look closely at the picture, you will see that it is made up of dozens of small, individually cut out pieces.

One of the activities on Christmas day in our home with both adults and grandkids was the creation of collages using chosen pieces from various magazines. This beautiful tree was our daughter Kyrie’s creation.

1 Corinthians 3:18 states, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”