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Andrea serves with the Pastoral Care Team (PCT), providing care to missionaries around the globe. The PCT members work proactively through counseling, mentoring, coaching, and training to missionaries to ensure field longevity. The PCT also helps missionaries work through the various issues that can arise.


Raised in a Christian home, Andrea came to Christ in middle school. After wandering off the path for a while, her renewed faith led her to pursuing opportunities to pour into the lives of women.


Andrea was born in Iowa to Jon and Sue Haddock. When her dad went active duty in the Army, the family, including her three younger sisters moved to Texas, eventually landing in Columbia, SC. She loves being the aunt of two nephews and three nieces.

Andrea Haddock
Cadence ID: 10674
Home Assignment
Pastoral Care
Phone: 803.530.2117
923 Wordsworth Dr.
Columbia, SC 29209
United States

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